Ensuring families have access to resources and support in a COVID & post COVID era

Covid Response

Why is COVID response Important?

Many families in the Inland Region are at a loss of work leading to food and housing insecurities. Our parent and youth leaders throughout the Inland Region have taken the initiative to support our families in need.

Parent Leaders in San Bernardino

Many families in the Inland Region are at a loss of work leading to food and housing insecurities. Our parent and youth leaders throughout the Inland Region have taken the initiative to support our families in need.

Spreading Hope Riverside

Youth seeing a lack of information for where folks can find resources in a covid and post covid era took it upon themselves to create an informational website for families in their city. Spreading Hope is a student-led campaign to support young people in Riverside during and beyond COVID-19. Funds go directly to the city of Riverside’s Ending Homelessness Fund.

Our Goals

  • To provide support during and after Covid to families in need
  • To ensure families are not evicted due to Covid

Sergio Luna

Lead Organizer
San Bernardino

Reyes Lopez

Coachella Valley

Beatriz Esparza Loera

Parent Organizer
San Bernardino

How To Get Involved

Take Action

Partner With Us

Fund Our Work

Our Partners

Join Our Outvote Campaign

Campaign Join Code: 936976

Outvote will allow you to privatly upload your phone contacts to their service allowing for you to join in actions, text scripts with instructions out to those in your contacts who would like to volunteer, you can also share social media post or submit testimony for various issues.