Economic Justice

Fighting for pathways to living wage jobs and community involvement in development that will affect generations to come.

Our Campaigns

We view all our work through the lens of racial and economic justice.

Community Benefits Agreements (CBA)

Supporting healthy economic development in our region

Time Done

Time Done campaign aims to raise awareness around the legal barriers that people living with convictions face.

Census 2020

Ensuring our most vulnerable families count in the 2020 Census through important outreach.

COVID-19 Response

Ensuring families have access to resources and support in a COVID & post COVID era.

Join Our Outvote Campaign

Campaign Join Code: 936976

Outvote will allow you to privatly upload your phone contacts to their service allowing for you to join in actions, text scripts with instructions out to those in your contacts who would like to volunteer, you can also share social media post or submit testimony for various issues.